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“I wanted to have as many of my famous friends as possible,” Trixie says, noting that “on a personal level, this is a huge project and I needed help.” While Trixie and David have a team of professional designers and renovators helping them out, they’ve also called in some favors and gotten some free labor from their celebrity friends, including Lisa Vanderpump, Nicole Byer, Orville Peck, Leslie Jordan and many others.

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“This motel’s the most beautiful place in the world.” The challenge, however, was “how big can we go with this but still have it be not insulting,” Trixie says of pushing the maximalist design, featuring as many patterns, colors and textures as possible. “And this is the motel where you can actually do that for real.” I mean, I want you to be able to pee in every bathroom and have a different experience,” Trixie says. “With all seven rooms, we tried to make every experience special. Yet, each week David and the drag queen manage to get closer and closer to completing their renovation with each new room, from a pink flamingo theme to a yeehaw cowgirl vibe, designed specifically to match Trixie’s eccentric tastes.

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